“Freedom, independence, revival: the power of the motorbike”

Some events change lives forever, passions that mark our existences and insights that have the power to change for the better the lives of people we don’t know but for whom we are willing to commit so that they have a better existence. At that point, we made sure that the motorcycles became a useful means of saving the lives of so many people who lived in rural areas”. With Carmelo’s full support we changed our name to Two Wheels For Life. Every time we add one more motorcycle to our fleet we create access to healthcare for more than 5000 people. If, of all people, that mother and those two babies are safe, it’s thanks to the entire MotoGP™ motorcycle community and that’s something to be very proud of”. In the birth and growth of Two Wheels For Life, the contribution of co-founder Randy Mamola has been immense, as Andrea points out: “His ability to communicate and relate to people of all ages is incredible.

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